Nikt nie powiedział, że cena vaporizerów musi być wygórowana. Wzrost popularności waporyzacji spowodował, że producenci starają się sprostać wymaganiom swoich klientów. Dzięki marce Boundless coraz łatwiej zakupić naprawdę dobry vaporizer w przystępnej cenie, bez konieczności sięgania po produkty o niskiej jakości.
Boundless TERA Vaporizer portable for drying Boundless Tera is a fully convection vaporizer, suitable for heating both types of material - dried material and concentrates.Themst solidly constructed, handy and also efficient.
The latest version is fully secure! p>
1 Reviews
Spare screens for Vaporizer Boundless TERA 5 pcs.
Additional, spare strainers for the Boundless TERA Vaporizer.
Made of metal, perfectly fitted.
5 pcs in the set.
Mouthpiece for Boundless CFV VaporizerReplaceable mouthpiece for the Boundless CFV vaporizer.Original Boundless CFV accessory.
Boundless TERA spare mouthpieceSpare mouthpiece for Boundless TERA vaporizer.Original Boundless TERA accessory.
Boundless TERA replaceable glass mouthpiece
Additional mouthpiece for Boundless TERA vaporizer.
Made of glass/ p>
Boundless TERA replaceable glass mouthpiece.
CFX Boundless - Mouthpiece strainers 2 pcs.
Spare screens for the mouthpiece of the CFX Boundless vaporizer.
2 pcs in the set.
Original CFX Boundless accessories.
Boundless CFX + Drying vaporizer
Portable vaporizer for Boundless CFX + herbs.An improved version of the Boundless CFX vaporizer.USB-C rechargeable, fast warm-up time (less than 30 seconds) and full temperature control from 121 ° C - 221 ° C.Equipped with a dual lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 2500 mAh.3-year manufacturer's warranty.
2500 mAh Battery for Boundless Tera Vaporizer
Replacement 18650 Battery for Boundless Tera
2500 mAh
1 pc. in the set
3 Reviews
CFX Boundless Vaporizer
High-class, portable vaporizer at an affordable price. It produces dense, strong vapor clouds with a clean taste. It has full temperature control and a large, convenient display. A strong position that will satisfy the most demanding vampire lovers.
Spare mouthpiece of the Boundless CFX vaporizer.
Original Boundless strainers that fit the mouthpiece of the Boundless Tera <vaporizer/ p>
Boundless TERA battery 18650 2200 mAh
A spare battery for the Boundless TERA vaporizer.
Type: 18650
Capacity: 2200 mAh.
Boundless Vexil Vaporizer for herbs with a ceramic chamber
Boundless Vexil vaporizer - the latest creation from the Canadian manufacturer Boundless Vapor.A small, compact vaporizer for herbs with a ceramic heating chamber and an insulated, cooling air path made of zirconium oxide.Rechargeable USB-C has 4 temperature settings: 192ºC, 204ºC, 212ºC,...